by Tobias Nikolayev & Ralf Grützbach
Following the success of volume 1, the two podcasters Ralf and Tobias have once again compiled 14 unique portraits of manor houses, country palaces, residences and castles.
Hardcover, 256 pages, German, 49,90 €
49,90 €
incl. 7 % VAT.
by Tobias Nikolayev & Ralf Grützbach
Following the success of volume 1, the two podcasters Ralf and Tobias have once again compiled 14 unique portraits of manor houses, country palaces, residences and castles.
How do you live between the ideal and reality?" This philosophical question is the highlight of a series of interviews in and from historic buildings. With their podcast "Der Gutshauspod", Ralf and Tobias have embarked on a fascinating journey through the world of manor houses and country palaces, talking to people who are actively working to preserve this cultural heritage for us and future generations.
by Tobias Nikolayev & Ralf Grützbach
Following the success of volume 1, the two podcasters Ralf and Tobias have once again compiled 14 unique portraits of manor houses, country palaces, residences and castles.
Hardcover, 256 pages, German, 49,90 €
incl. 7 % VAT.
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