Jadasa Jablonowski

"Imagine you're walking through a supermarket. Then a man comes up to you, taps you on the shoulder and says: "You've got the job!" You think to yourself: "What job do I have?" That's exactly what it's like for a horse to live with a human." Professional western rider Jadasa Jablonowski explains how they can still become a dream team in her riding theory for all riding styles. 

She has been asked so often: When are you finally going to write a book in which we can read about your training philosophy outside of your riding courses and apply it to our daily training at home! Jadasa Jablonowski has used the almost two-year corona period to write down all her basic knowledge on how to deal successfully with the horse as a partner.

The result is a completely new riding theory, loosely written, with many examples from the everyday life of a professional trainer and over 60 detailed tap-by-step illustrations to make it easier to understand.

Jadasa Jablonowski not only impresses with her fine sense of language, but also always has little stories to make you smile! Let's Talk Horse sets a milestone in equestrian literature. In an incredibly empathetic way - often philosophically - the author explains where the secrets of successful communication between humans and horses can be found. By going back to the nature of the horse, but also by taking a closer look at the basic human instincts.

The author describes how absolute rideability arises from the "3 pillars: rhythm, body position and form" . The book creates a completely new basis for relaxed, safe and successful interaction between man and horse. It is completely independent of the respective riding style, the saddle or the rider's competition ambitions. It is all about pure riding. 

  • Hardcover book544 pages, Format 13,5 x 21 cm, 49,90 €
  • eBook (German/English)44,90 €
  • Bundle: Book + SWMP Workbook, 79,90 €
  • eBundle (German): eBook + eBook "SWMP Workbook", 74,90

Let's talk horse - reading sample

Let's Talk Horse - Reading Sample (english)

ISBN numbers:

Hardcover:  ISBN 978-3-9824929-0-2

eBook: ISBN 978-3-9824929-5-7

eBook (English): ISBN 978-3-9824929-2-6

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