Author portrait

Franca Bartke is a multiple European Champion, multiple German Champion in the Allround Western disciplines and reigning German Champion Showmanship at Halter 2023. As such, she is one of the best-known Western riders in Germany and Europe. 

Born in Nuremberg in 1990, Franca Bartke's journey into equestrian sport began at an early age. At the age of 10, she took her first riding lessons in the classical riding style. Shortly afterwards, she switched to western riding, took part in her first competitions and, at the age of 18, got her own horse, which Franca Bartke paid for and maintained with money she had earned herself.

 "Learning to ride has been my biggest dream for as long as I can remember," says the successful professional trainer. "But every story also needs a good grandma," writes Franca Bartke in her first book "The Art of Showmanship". Because she knows that the path to one's own goals can all too often lead over bumpy and seemingly insurmountable cliffs.

With the support of family, friends, hard work and sporting spirit, Franca Bartke has already achieved many of these goals. "Learning from the really big names in the horse business" was another. This was followed by stays abroad in the USA, training as an event manager and studying at the German Sport University Cologne, which she completed in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science. 

Franca Bartke's hobbies include traveling, good food and cultural events - of course, AND everything to do with horses. The urge to always want to improve and never rest on her laurels benefits Franca Bartke greatly. Her first book is therefore another important step on her "never-ending journey". Because that's exactly what Franca's job as a professional equestrian trainer is all about: solid training for horses and people. For her, this is the prerequisite for both - human and horse - to grow together into a strong team.

Franca Bartke: "It's worth fighting for your dreams, believing in yourself and not letting failure get you down!"....Withyour first tournament start, you embark on an endless journey of desires, emotions and a passion that can't be compared to anything else. One of the most beautiful journeys I know. An endless journey with your partner, the horse."

Explore. Dream. Discover and stay focused.

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